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Bone Substitutes

GTO Amount
MU0005S GTO 0,5 cc GTO 0,5 cc GTO 0,5 cc
MU0020S GTO 2,0 cc GTO 2,0 cc GTO 2,0 cc
Gen-Os Granules Amount
M1052FS Gen-Os Granules 0,25 g Gen-Os Granules 0,25 g Gen-Os Granules 0,25 g
M1005FS Gen-Os Granules 0,5 g Gen-Os Granules 0,5 g Gen-Os Granules 0,5 g
M1010FS Gen-Os Granules 1 g Gen-Os Granules 1 g Gen-Os Granules 1 g
M1020FS Gen-Os Granules 2 g Gen-Os Granules 2 g Gen-Os Granules 2 g
mp3 Granules and Collagen Gel Amount
A3075FS mp3 Granules and Collagen Gel - 3 x 0,25 cc mp3 Granules and Collagen Gel - 3 x 0,25 cc mp3 Granules and Collagen Gel - 3 x 0,25 cc
A3015FS mp3 Granules and Collagen Gel - 3 x 0,5 cc mp3 Granules and Collagen Gel - 3 x 0,5 cc mp3 Granules and Collagen Gel - 3 x 0,5 cc
A3030FS mp3 Granules and Collagen Gel - 3 x 1 cc mp3 Granules and Collagen Gel - 3 x 1 cc mp3 Granules and Collagen Gel - 3 x 1 cc
A3010FS mp3 Granules and Collagen Gel - 2 cc mp3 Granules and Collagen Gel - 2 cc mp3 Granules and Collagen Gel - 2 cc
Putty Amount
HPT32S Putty Bone Putty with Small Granules - 3 x 0,25 cc Putty Bone Putty with Small Granules - 3 x 0,25 cc Putty Bone Putty with Small Granules - 3 x 0,25 cc
HPT35S Putty Bone Putty with Small Granules - 3 x 0,5 cc Putty Bone Putty with Small Granules - 3 x 0,5 cc Putty Bone Putty with Small Granules - 3 x 0,5 cc
Gel 40 Amount
15GEL40 Gel 40 Collagen Gel with Small Granules - 3 x 0,5 cc Gel 40 Collagen Gel with Small Granules - 3 x 0,5 cc Gel 40 Collagen Gel with Small Granules - 3 x 0,5 cc
Applicator for Putty & Gel 40 Amount
SF2-A555 Applicator for Putty & Gel 40 Applicator for Putty & Gel 40
Apatos Amount
A1010FS APATOS MIX Granules (Cortico-cancellous bone mix) (600-1000um) APATOS MIX Granules (Cortico-cancellous bone mix) (600-1000um) APATOS MIX Granules (Cortico-cancellous bone mix) (600-1000um)


Evolution (standard) Amount
EM02HS Evolution standard 20 x 20 mm Evolution standard 20 x 20 mm Evolution standard 20 x 20 mm
EM00HS Evolution standard 35 x 25 mm Evolution standard 35 x 25 mm Evolution standard 35 x 25 mm
EM03HS Evolution standard 30 x 30 mm Evolution standard 30 x 30 mm Evolution standard 30 x 30 mm
Evolution (fine) Amount
EV02LLE Evolution fine 20 x 20 mm Evolution fine 20 x 20 mm Evolution fine 20 x 20 mm
EV03LLE Evolution fine 30 x 30 mm Evolution fine 30 x 30 mm Evolution fine 30 x 30 mm
EV04LLE Evolution fine 40 x 40 mm Evolution fine 40 x 40 mm Evolution fine 40 x 40 mm
Evolution (X-fine) Amount
EM33XS Evolution X-fine 30 x 30 mm Evolution X-fine 30 x 30 mm Evolution X-fine 30 x 30 mm
Derma Amount
ED25FS Derma fine 25 x 25 mm Derma fine 25 x 25 mm Derma fine 25 x 25 mm
ED03SS Derma standard 30 x 30 mm Derma standard 30 x 30 mm Derma standard 30 x 30 mm

Blocks and Cortical Barriers

Curved Cortical Lamina Amount
LS10HS Curved Cortical Lamina 35 x 35 mm Curved Cortical Lamina 35 x 35 mm Curved Cortical Lamina 35 x 35 mm
Soft Cortical Lamina Amount
LS25FS Soft Cortical Lamina Fine 25 x 25 mm Soft Cortical Lamina Fine 25 x 25 mm Soft Cortical Lamina Fine 25 x 25 mm
LS23FS Soft Cortical Lamina Fine 25 x 35 mm (oval) Soft Cortical Lamina Fine 25 x 35 mm (oval) Soft Cortical Lamina Fine 25 x 35 mm (oval)
Cortical Lamina rigid (0.6-0.8 mm) Amount
LS15LS Soft Cortical Lamina Fine 35 x 15 mm Soft Cortical Lamina Fine 35 x 15 mm Soft Cortical Lamina Fine 35 x 15 mm
SP-Block Amount
BN0E Sp-Dried Block 10 x 10 x 10 mm Sp-Dried Block 10 x 10 x 10 mm Sp-Dried Block 10 x 10 x 10 mm
BN1E Sp-Dried Block 20 x 10 x 10 mm Sp-Dried Block 20 x 10 x 10 mm Sp-Dried Block 20 x 10 x 10 mm
BN8E Sp-Dried Block 35 x 10 x 5 mm Sp-Dried Block 35 x 10 x 5 mm Sp-Dried Block 35 x 10 x 5 mm
Dual Block Amount
STN5S Dual Block Curved 20 x 10 x 5 mm Dual Block Curved 20 x 10 x 5 mm Dual Block Curved 20 x 10 x 5 mm

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